Episode 225: Bloodstone – Subspecies 2

ss2Just when you thought it was safe to sit around the tree drinking hot chocolate and singing Christmas Carols, Radu comes back into your life, re-attaches his head and ruins Christmas!  Join Ron, Little Miss Horror Nerd and another mystery guest as they tell the tale of Radu and Michelle, a love that just won’t quite — despite the parent’s disapproval.  Topics of conversation include why the bloody hell Michelle would get her sister involved with this, what sort of drugs the King must have been on in order to have mated with Mummy, the three Bs, vampires walking around in the daytime, the growth of the bloodstone and Radu as a leading man.

HORROR NEWS: Little Shop of Horror remake, Insidious 4, Tommy Jarvis in the Friday the 13th video game



You can find Dr. Shock on Horror Movie Podcast


and Land of the Creeps


and check out his website where he is watching and reviewing 2500 movies, DVD Infactuation. 

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