As a kid, I fell from a tree one stormy wet rainy day. As a result, I broke bones and ribs and I was bleeding internally, which led to a very looooooooooong hospital stay — not the funnest of times!
THANKFULLY I had these two Colorforms kits and Casper The Ghost on TV to keep my mind off the bad stuff!
Being a MONSTER LOVER, my parents knew just what to get me to ease the pain! These two Colorforms kits were my salvation! I lived and breathed them. Today, these rare 60s Colorforms kits are super iconic to me!
I’ve become kind of obsessed with these sets! The beauty lies in their simplicity!

The Creepy Glo Forms kit had everything! A super fun swamp, glowing creatures and a cool haunted house silhouette! I loved placing the creatures in new places and believing in my mind that this was a real place! Did I mention that both of these Colorforms kits GLOWED IN THE DARK? OK that alone is the chiller on top of the cake!
I own both of these kits still today and can tell you they are ICONIC and AMAZING!
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