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Tag Archives: Little Miss Horror Nerd
Episode 31: Black Christmas
It’s Christmas in February! Ron and Hammer take a look at one of the original slashers, Black Christmas, requested by some listener with the weird name of Little Miss Horror Nerd as she won a Twitter/Facebook contest. They travel back … Continue reading
Episode 137: The Amityville Horror Wrap Up Show
It’s that time on the podcast where we must say our final farewells…this time to the ominous house down the block with demons living inside; to the mirror that makes out worst nightmares come true; and to the dollhouse that … Continue reading
Posted in Amityville Horror, Podcast Episodes
Tagged 112 Ocean Avenue, Amityville, Christina Ricci, Danny Lutz, DeFeo Murders, Demonic, George Lutz, Ghost Hunters International, ghosts, Godzilla, haunted house, haunted house horror, Haunting Australia, Jamie Kennedy, Jay Anson, Kathy Lutz, life after death, Little Miss Horror Nerd, Lizzie Borden, Michael Gross, My Amityville Horror, possession, Robb Demarest, Ronald DeFeo, satanic, The Amityville Horror, The Red Room, Tremors
Little Miss Horror Nerd’s Little Horror Blog 80
iZOMBIE I have always been a horror fan but never much of a zombie fan. Im more of a vampire kind of girl myself. As a teenager, I devoured Anne Rice and Stephen King novels and spent hours at the … Continue reading
Posted in Blog Posts, Horror Blog
Tagged Anne Rice, Diana Rowland, George Romero, horror on television, iZombie, Little Miss Horror Nerd, My Life as a White Trash Zombie, Night of the Living Dead, Rob Thomas, Rose McIver, Stephen King, The CW, Veronica Mars. Live the Zombie, zombie horror, zombies vs vampires
Little Miss Horror Nerd’s Little Horror Blog 79
TOP THIRTEEN JASON VOORHEES DEATH WEAPONS! Happy Friday the 13th! In honor of the holiday this week I give you my top favorite weapons Jason has used to murder people and a bit about his favorites. I have chosen 1 favorite weapon … Continue reading
Episode 135: The Amityville Haunting
The house at 112 Ocean Ave in Amityville, NY has set empty as we journeyed all over the land chasing haunted lamps, clocks and dollhouses. Amityville Haunting takes us back (allegedly) to the original Amityville house with it’s lineage back … Continue reading
Posted in Amityville Horror, Podcast Episodes
Tagged 112 Ocean Avenue, Asylum Films, Burning Angel Productions, found footage horror, Fright Night, George Lutz, Gutterballs 2, Hannibal, haunted house horror, horror porn, Joanna Angel, Kathy Lutz, Killer Klowns from Outer Space, Little Miss Horror Nerd, Mad Monster Convention, Ronald DeFeo, The Amitvyille Horror, The Amityville Haunting
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