Welcome to a simpler time. A time where the sound of wind against shutters could keep you up at night wondering what could be out there. What could be watching. Waiting.
Welcome to a time where the dark was darker, the cold was colder and the fear more chilling. Nothing is as frightening as what you can create deep in the black crevices of your mind. Welcome to…
Quiet, Please was a radio show that ran for two years from June 1947 to June 1949. It was the brainchild of Wyllis Cooper, who also created the popular Lights Out! Quiet Please was known for it’s quality writing and acting — a step up from the average horror radio show. Quite, Please was different in Lights Out! in that it focused on acting and atmosphere as opposed to gruesome sound effects.
“The Room Where the Ghosts Live” first aired December 1, 1948