Unleash Hell 32




Shaker Maker was a KILLER toy that you made figures with. You would mix water and powder in a shaker and after turning the shaker, the mixture would flow into the moulds inside the shaker. I remember it was pretty fast but it would take a few days for it to completely harden.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMy fave was the Hairy Bunch! This kit was soooooo Cool! I made hundreds of them, I’m sure! I used to give them to my friends and also convince them to buy a box set as well! I swear I was the cause for Ideal’s Shaker Maker’s success! LOL! They were the bomb to my kid eyes! You could paint them creepy colors and also use glow in the dark paint as well! LOVED IT!!! Creepy hair and glow paint! It just didn’t get much better than that!

The box graphics were enough to convince me that this toy was the best thing ever! I loved these monster graphics growing up! Still do! Im a sucker for glow in the dark stuff and great graphics! Look at that kid on the cover beckoning you to buy this kit and shake up some monsters, and with the Haunted House in the background that was enough to clinch the deal!

There was even a scary Bugglies kit and a Scooby kit as well as Batman and Lone Ranger etc,. Shaker Maker was invented in the 1970s by IDEAL. In the 1990s and the 2000s there were two relaunches of Shaker Maker but sadly they didn’t do so well.

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