Little Miss Horror Nerd’s Little Horror Blog 78




Deliver Us From Evil is a possession film released in 2014 starring Eric Bana and Joel McHale. The film is set in NYC. The main character Ralph Sarchie an NYPD cop is played by Eric Bana. (ED Note: You forgot to mention how the “D” in Deliver and the entire word “EVIL” in the title poster are capitalized so your eyes are drawn to the word “DEVIL.”)

2015-03-04-21-30-25-1309934072The story begins when Ralph and his partner Butler (McHale) begin investigating a case of a woman who throws her child down a ravine in the zoo and a man who beats his wife. After some digging it becomes clear that the cases are connected. It turns out the woman’s husband and the man beating his wife served in Iraq together with a third man who is missing. 

All three men returned from combat severely disturbed. The third soldier is found dead in the basement of the house he was painting after the family calls the cops over disturbances in the house. Ill leave you with that as I do not do spoilers.

images-8Deliver Us From Evil is based on the book Beware the Night by Ralph Sarchie, published in 1999. The movie claims to be based on actual events but in reality is an original storyline based on Ralph’s actual cases. Possession films are not my favorite horror sub genre but when done well can be very enjoyable. I was quite impressed with this movie. The creepy moments were in no shortage. The action was non stop and the acting was strong. I was blown away by Joel McHale’s skills as an actor in a serious role. I loved him so much in this I hope he accept more serious roles. I liked the city setting a great deal as well. I felt it was a nice change from the woods or some secluded farm house. In fact, being set in a city is even scarier to me because as a city girl, I’m used to my monsters being human.



Overall, I really liked this film and would recommend it to others. It is a little long at almost two hours but the time went fast. I found I was interested in learning about Ralph Sarchie’s actual tangles with the supernatural after the movie was over so I ordered the book. There is no nudity, little humor, and plenty of violence Oh and an exorcism!
Check it out.



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