Little Miss Horror Nerd’s Little Horror Blog 16




Killer Holiday was directed by Marty Thomas and distributed by Lionsgate Films. The story revolves around a group of teenagers going on a road trip for Spring Break. In the opening scene, someone murders the parents of one of the students. The kids are right outside the house while this occurs but do not notice (of course). Soon, they are on the road to I am honestly not certain where but eventually end up at an abandoned amusement park (Ed Note:  What could go wrong there?  Maybe they’ll run into the Scooby Gang). This is the point in the movie where the story finally gets going but I’m not sure how much traction it has. It took until the last 35 to 40 minutes of the film before anyone else got murdered and I question how many of these kids actually died since several of them didn’t even have fatal injuries. Apparently, we are supposed to believe that being stabbed in the eye causes death after several minutes (Ed Note:  Let’s try it!). How about if your arm is chopped off and you just continue berating the person with the voice of a shrew like you were doing prior to them axing your arm (Ed Note: I’m guess this character was female)? The killer (who we see in the opening scene) is not a mystery only his motives are.

The killer’s motives are such a mystery I never really figured them out. I kept waiting for that point in a horror movie where it all makes sense but it never did. The kills were somewhat creative but there wasn’t much blood or gore. No naked boobs at all (Ed Note: Boooo!!!) although, oddly, a sex scene was thrown in at the end of the film (sex at the END of a horror movie? ) There was nothing scary about this film except how confusing it was. Worst of all, despite the cover art, there were no evil clowns! Unless you enjoy mind bogglingly confusing plots with more holes than Swiss Cheese, do not bother. Killer Holiday was released to DVD and VOD November 5, 2013.













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