Little Miss Horror Nerd’s Little Horror Blog 119





Summertime! It’s time for sun and fun at beach. However,  ever since Jaws we all know what can happen when we go in the water. So what if we just stay on the beach? Get our tan, drink our beer, cookout… That is totally safe, right?  Not so fast! This week I had the chance to watch The Sand starring Brooke Butler (All Cheerleaders Die). Jamie Kennedy has a small but comical part in The Sand as well.


The story follows a group of kids who throw an all night party on the beach at the start of spring break. They wake up the next morning to find that several of the kids who slept on the beach have vanished. Nine of them remain but after two of them are eaten by the sand the rest start realizing it’s up to them to find a way off the beach alive.


I’ll start by saying I really enjoyed this movie. I liked watching the kids trying to devise ways to get out of their predicament while also trying to determine what is after them. The premise of this movie reminded me quite a bit of a movie called Blood Beach that was released in 1981.  Much of The Sand took place during the day where as quite a few of the attacks in Blood Beach occurred at night. Frankly, I think the beach is pretty damn creepy at night. That said, The Sand wasn’t scary but it was fun and had quite a bit of humor. It also had several pairs of bare boobs, some gore, and a day glo creature. All in all I had a good time watching it. My only complaint was both the gore and creature were executed with CGI. It was pretty bad CGI as well but even if it hadn’t been, I always prefer practical effects. If I hadn’t liked the plot as much as I did, the CGI would have killed it for me.


The Sand is available to stream on Amazon.





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